Handbook on Tourism Product Development


The World Tourism Organization and European Travel Commission appointed Tourism Development International to develop of a ‘best practice’ Handbook for Tourism Product Development Manual to assist National Tourism Administrations and Organisations (NTAs/NTOs) and other destination marketing organisations (DMOs), including those at regional and local levels, through the provision of ready-to-use tools, and guidance on why and how product development should be adopted, and what kind of role they should have in the destination’s product development.

Project Objectives:

The purpose of the Handbook on Tourism Product Development was the production of a practical, user-friendly and accessible handbook that inspires the implementation of, or improvement in, the existing methods and uses of effective product development in tourism. A key objective was to empower the staff of NTAs/NTOs and similar organisations with superior knowledge to enable them to initiate and oversee a successful product development strategy.

Project Activities:

  • Definitions
  • Destination Survey of WTO’s/DMO’s
  • Consultations with Private Sector
  • Preparation of Case Studies
  • Analysis
  • Principles of tourism product development
  • Toolkit and guidelines for tourism product development
  • Presentations, seminars and workshops

Project Outcome and Impacts:

The Handbook is being used by national tourism organisations and regional tourism organisation officials throughout the World as a tool in facilitating effective tourism product development planning. It is available for purchase through the UNWTO and ETC websites. 


UNWTO - Hanbook on Tourism Product Development Purchase

Fundamentals & Principles of Tourism Product Development, Presentation by Peter Mac Nulty to the Tourism Forum Switzerland

© 2024 Tourism Development International
  • Address: Fitzwilliam Hall, Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, Ireland  
  • Phone: + 353 1 2301665
  • Email: info@tourismdev.com


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